Speaking Peace Upon Your Community

Peace be upon Israel! PSALM 128:6 

This Psalm is a psalm of ascending steps or degrees. The above verse is the last line in the psalm. We could say it is the pinnacle of the psalm.

Psalm 128 is all about blessed men and families living in blessed communities. It progresses from blessed individuals and sees the blessing permeating through families. Verse 5 says: “The LORD shall bless you from Zion,and may you see the welfare of Jerusalem all the days of your life.”

Zion is literally the royal fortress but also symbolically in this age it is the community of God’s people – the ekklesia. It speaks about us seeing the welfare of Jerusalem – or the city you live in.

God’s people blessed abundantly and bringing that supernatural blessing to the wider community. This is the picture and this is what Bless Your City and ElevenEleven is all about. You getting your socks blessed off and going to dump it on your neighbours, your workmates, your social circle.

“Peace be upon this nation!” is something we should all be declaring, no matter where we live. Some folks get a little bent out of shape because they see this as a blessing and believe that their nation is “ripe for judgement.” This Sons of Thunder mentality is quite prevalent. It is remarkable that many who have this lightning-bolt approach to corporate numbers of humanity are often the ones who extend extravagant mercy to the individual sinner.

But declaring peace is not just a blessing – it is far more than that and is arguably the most powerful thing you can proclaim as a saint of God. Here’s why:-

For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given,
and the government shall be upon his shoulder.
And his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace
there shall be no end,
upon the throne of David
and over his kingdom,
to order it and to establish it
with justice and with righteousness,
from now until forever.
The zeal of the Lord of Hosts
will perform this. ISAIAH 9:6,7 MEV

Notice that this passage – which is about the Lord Jesus – links His governmental authority with peace when it says: “Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end.”

When you speak peace upon a town, city or nation, you are not just speaking about an absence of conflict – you are enforcing the Lordship of Christ in that territory.

Peace is a wonderful blessing to invoke upon your community but it is not a weak, soft thing! It is the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in your environment. It is the invasion of Christ’s Lordship in a territory.

Declaring peace is the atomic bomb of spiritual warfare. Forces of darkness and wickedness are dismantled and swept away when you speak peace upon a place. In this day and age we have to contend with a prevalent spirit of lawlessness. Kingdom authority and peace are the antidotes to this poison. Justice and righteousness are released when peace is spoken with the authority that saints possess.

It is a worldly and deluded idea that peace is a kind of wimpy thing, certainly where the peace of God is concerned. His peace is backed up by angelic authority and Jesus is the Prince of Peace. This peace is enforced from the Throne of God and the Throne of David.

When mankind comes under the absolute Lordship of Christ, peace will flood every inch of this planet’s surface.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. Creation groans with longing for the peace-enforcing sons of YHWH to be revealed.

Bless Where You Live!!

This site has been started to promote what we call the Eleven-Eleven principle.

This is taken from Proverbs 11:11 –

 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked. PROVERBS 11:11 KJV

Words have power. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, we are told in Proverbs 18:21. This means that what people SAY can have a massive impact on the spiritual condition of the city, town or village they live in.

Your community is directly influenced by the aggregate tone of the words spoken over it and about it.

That is why it is so vital to speak words of blessing, life, health and prosperity over your community. You literally have the power to release life and wellbeing upon the place you live and the people who live there with you!

This is a power and authority you can walk in immediately to be a dispenser of blessing to your city.

It is also a responsibility that you must take very seriously. Instead of speaking negatively about the place you live and running it down, you can change the very atmosphere and even through time the physical landscape by blessing it and pronouncing good things. You can prophesy hope and a good future in places where others have said “nothing worthwhile happens here.”

The very essence of the Lord’s Prayer is contained in the words; “THY KINGDOM COME; THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” These words release Heaven’s authority into a situation and command the earth to line up with what goes on in the glory realm of Heaven. They are powerul words, suoernatural words and nation-transforming words. That is, of course, when they are spoken with intent and purpose, not just repeated by rote.

Jesus said that what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. This is another way of saying that we have the authority AND the mandate to decree that earth will align itself to heaven.

There is no sickness in heaven. There is no poverty in heaven. There is no dangerous area in heaven. There fore Jesus is empowering us to change our environment by imposing upon it Heaven’s template and commanding where we live to conform to this template.

Another way of looking at it is to think of it as positive vibes as opposed to negative ones. By radiating positivity concerning our communities, we can transform them by changing the atmosphere. No more doom and gloom; instead, uplifting and life-enhancing thoughts and words.

It is important to emphasise that we are not talking here about wishful thinking or castles-in-the-sky dreaming. Far from being unrealistic, we are actually changing reality by eradicating negativity and replacing it with a far healthier atmosphere.

There is a mighty power in blessing verbally a person, place or thing. You imbue it with spiritual energy which is the very Life and Presence of God. We understand this by the word “anointing” which is both Old and New Testament. It literally means “to smear” and the idea is that if you are smeared with the Presence of God, you will leave a bit of it everywhere you go in much the same way you would if you were drenched in natural oil.

Blessing is verbally releasing the Presence of God upon something or someone. You do this by prophesying good things and by speaking the Name and Presence of God. This creates a change in the spiritual atmosphere of an area. Unfortunately,cursing can do the same, only the change is for the worse.

A typical curse is to call an area “God-forsaken” but you can reverse this curse by decreeing that God inhabits and floods that place with His Presence.

Much of blessing a place is about understanding the negative things about that place and reversing them. For example, in an area of high unemployment you could decree that the place is widely known as an area where everyone has productive work and by speaking prosperity upon that area and those who live and work there.

Eleven-Eleven is not about saying how it is but how you want it to be. Speak what you desire for your community and you can transfom it.

Begin today to bless your city/town/village!!